Case Studies
of people facing real health problems and how Fagron through innovative solutions helps.

Michelle is diagnosed hypertension, and shows signs of pre-diabetes.
People with diabetes most of the time also have high blood pressure (hypertension). Together, this is very unhealthy. You run a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease and problems with your kidneys, for example. High blood pressure occurs twice as often for people with diabetes as for people without diabetes. Because of diabetes, the blood vessels can be less supple, causing the blood pressure to rise. In addition, changes in the insulin system also cause high blood pressure. And blood pressure increases with obesity, eating fat, salt, and little exercise.
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Hugo suffers from the most common form of hair loss for men: androgenetic alopecia.
Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) starts for men mainly on the crown and secretions. For women with androgenetic alopecia, hair density is reduced, especially cranially, while the front hairline remains intact. Women do not usually go completely bald like men, but the remaining hairs have a thinner structure, are less strong, and therefore more likely to fall off. The scalp of patients with androgenetic alopecia looks completely normal.
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Laura is struggling with mild psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes red, flaky, and crusty patches of skin covered with slivery scales. These patches normally appear on your elbows, knees, scalp, or lower back, but can appear anywhere on your body. In addition, the visibility of the disease can be a particular burden.
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Aad is suffering from neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain (also called nerve pain or neuralgia) specifically refers to pain due to damage in the nervous system, which causes pain impulses to arise that have no function. It can result from damage to a single nerve, a bundle of nerves, the spinal cord, or the brain. Neuropathic pain often occurs on only one side of the body, either the left or the right. It is almost always a chronic condition; the pain can last from weeks to months or years and is sometimes even permanent.
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