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The Science Behind Sleep: Exploring the Vital Role of Restorative Slumber for Physical and Mental Well-Being on World Sleep Day

News 4 min read

World Sleep Day

March 17th is celebrated World Sleep Day, created by the World Sleep Society (WSS) in the USA, whose aim is to raise awareness among people about the importance of healthy sleep. This year’s theme is: “Sleep is essential for health”.

Much is said about well eating and regular practice of physical exercises to be healthy. But little is said about sleep, which together with eating and physical activity form the essential pillars of health.

Sleep health

Sleep health refers to the quality and quantity of sleep that an individual gets each night. According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night, while children and teenagers require more. Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy immune system, improved mental health, and better cognitive function.

It’s during sleep that the body performs restorative functions, such as cell renewal, tissue repair, hormone release, decrease in heart rate and blood pressure, regulation of body temperature, and consolidation of learning and memory.

Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, can lead to a host of negative health outcomes, including increased risk for chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. It can also cause fatigue, irritability, and reduced ability to concentrate or remember information.

Sleep deprivation and its consequences

Nowadays it’s very common for people to suffer from sleep disorders and, consequently, suffer the impact of this on their health in general.

Some people intentionally deprive themselves of sleep with the expectation of being more productive in their jobs or routine tasks. Others have habits that are harmful to sleep, such as exposure to excessive artificial lighting, use of screens at night (television, cell phone, tablet), and agitated activities close to bedtime.

All these habits mentioned above are stimulating and end up harming the duration and quality of sleep, which in turn will have an impact on the physical, mental, and social health of the individual.

Check out the risks of sleep deprivation below:

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Irritability
  • Memory and concentration failure
  • Learning difficulty
  • Low immunity
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased accumulation of body fat
  • Increased risk of obesity
  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Sleep-inducing drugs and their side effects

With the growth in the population suffering from sleep disorders, the demand for sedative drugs also grows. However, they are accompanied by adverse effects, such as drowsiness during the day, loss of reflexes, dizziness, and even dependence.

By understanding this demand, Fagron began researching products that could be an alternative to benzodiazepines, a product that did not cause these side effects, but that managed to stimulate sleep in a way that would help the body to fully recover, bringing more physical health. and mental.

Lavender is well known for its relaxing properties, but its effects can be enhanced in the presence of certain other ingredients, especially in the form of essential oils.

With a lot of research, Fagron companies have developed a product with very concentrated properties, and at the same time natural and without adverse effects: Pinetonina®.

Pinetonina: A natural alternative

Pinetonina® is a phytocomplex derived from a special blend of essential oils, in which lavender stands out. Pinetonina® is indicated for:

  • Sleep well
  • Relaxing
  • Less stress
  • Less anxiety
  • Promote well-being

Its application occurs intra-nasally, an extremely vascularized region, which allows quick access to the central nervous system, in which it modulates the activity of excitatory neurotransmitters, such as glutamate. In addition, clinical trials of Pinetonina® have also shown a reduction in beta-type brain waves and an increase in alpha-type brain waves, related to alertness and relaxation, respectively, as well as acting to reduce cortisol, known as the stress hormone.

Pinetonina® can be used before sleep or during the day when necessary.

Simultaneously with the use of Pinetonina®, the adoption of some habits, known as “Sleep Hygiene” can also help, check below:

  • Set sleep and wake time, even on weekends
  • Don’t consume energy drinks at night (like coffee, soda, alcohol, green tea, and chocolate)
  • Stay away from screens at least 1 hour before bedtime
  • Have a light meal for dinner
  • Practicing physical activity regularly, respecting a 4h interval before bedtime
  • Avoid naps during the day
  • Keep the room dark and quiet
  • Wear comfortable sleeping clothes
  • Don’t use the bed to work/study

Enjoy World Sleep Day to assess your sleep.

Pinetonina® is currently available in Latin America and Europe.