This article was first published on 14 March 2022.
The article was updated on 9 August 2023, to reflect data as published in our 2022 annual report.
Diversity is key to a thriving work environment
At Fagron, we strongly believe that people with different backgrounds and ideas contribute to better decision-making, so Diversity and Inclusion are important topics in our organization. This includes Gender Equality and Nationality & Ethnicity.
Fagron Diversity & Inclusion Survey
We continuously work on creating a safe working environment where every employee feels welcome. In early 2021, we conducted a Fagron Diversity & Inclusion survey among employees. The survey was completed by 1,100 employees (equaling an approximate 35% participation rate at that time) across the globe and focused on subjects such as discrimination and involvement in decision-making.
The survey showed that the majority of Fagron employees that completed the survey believe they can be themselves regardless of their background. Many employees also think that management could do a better job at emphasizing the importance of diversity and inclusion.
After the outcome of this survey, we installed a Diversity & Inclusion focus group: a group of people from different backgrounds and countries that come together to discuss ideas and actions that can be taken to contribute to promoting diversity. These ideas and actions are shared with Global HR. Global HR also discusses all initiatives to promote diversity with the D&I soundboard.
Gender equality
The majority of Fagron employees (56.3% in 2022) is female, but there is still room for improvement when it comes to female presence at all levels of the organization. To reach equal distribution of gender, we decided to set a target for male-female distribution in management.
By the end of 2025, we aim for:
- 50/50 male-female distribution in all management
- 1/3rd of the senior management is female
In 2022, 40.6% of employees in management positions were female, meaning that there is work to be done to reach this target. The target to have at least one-third of senior management positions filled by women is closer to realization (27.6% in 2022).
We have a female mentoring program for women at Fagron that want to explore their ambitions and further develop their careers. You can read more about this program elsewhere on our website.

Nationality & Ethnicity
Fagron has facilities in 19 different countries and hires employees based on their skills, regardless of nationality or ethnicity. At Fagron’s Global Service Center (GSC) in Rotterdam, we target to have at least 10 different nationalities represented. In 2022, we had people from 21 nationalities working at GSC, more than double our target. We continuously strive to increase the number of nationalities working at GSC, reflecting our global profile.
Follow our ESG journey
We are working non-stop to realize our targets and want to be transparent about our results and activities. Annual progress can be followed in our most recent annual report. We also report on progress during the year in the news segment on our website and on LinkedIn.
If you have any questions or suggestions on what we could do to improve, you can reach us at