Psoriasis, a widespread autoimmune condition, impacts approximately 125 million individuals globally. A majority of psoriasis sufferers, around 80%, experience a milder form of the disease that can be effectively managed using topical treatments. These topical solutions serve various purposes, with different formulations suited for different aspects of the condition. Recent advancements in psoriasis research have expanded the range of treatment options, offering exciting prospects for improving the quality of care.
Treatment Options
Commonly used topical agents for managing psoriasis include corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors, salicylic acid, and coal tar. However, ongoing research has unveiled the potential of topical anti-inflammatories like caffeine, theophylline, and B vitamins.
But there are some new treatments available:
- Topical Corticosteroids: These range from low-strength hydrocortisone to highly potent steroids like clobetasol. High-potency steroids, such as clobetasol 0.05% foam and solution, have shown significant benefits in clinical trials.
- Vitamin A Derivatives: Tazarotene, a vitamin A derivative, has demonstrated effectiveness in down-regulating markers of keratinocyte proliferation, an underlying factor in psoriasis.
- Calcineurin Inhibitors: Tacrolimus, an occlusive formulation, has proven beneficial for sensitive and thin skin regions, such as the face.
- Salicylic Acid and Urea: Salicylic acid and urea are used to soften skin and reduce scaling in plaques, often enhancing the penetration of other topical treatments.
- Coal Tar: Coal tar solutions remain a longstanding therapy with consistent efficacy.
Emerging Treatments
Emerging treatments target mechanisms like increased intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and utilize phosphodiesterase 4 (PDE4) inhibitors, such as theophylline and caffeine, which have shown promise in clinical trials. Additionally, B vitamins, particularly B12 and niacinamide, have demonstrated anti-inflammatory properties, potentially enhancing psoriasis management.
Fagron Advanced Derma

Fagron offers innovative compounding solutions for psoriasis patients, including combination therapies, novel treatments not commercially available, and customizable bases for individuals with sensitivities or allergies. Fagron’s commitment to personalized care is evident through its Advanced Derma compounding vehicles.
- Emolivan is a specialized vehicle designed to provide deep moisturization and hydration to the skin. By incorporating Emolivan into compounded psoriasis treatments, healthcare providers can alleviate discomfort, enhance patient comfort, and optimize the penetration of active pharmaceutical ingredients. This leads to improved efficacy and patient satisfaction.
- Occluvan is another integral component in Fagron’s arsenal of advanced derma-compounding vehicles. It creates a barrier on the skin’s surface, aiding in the controlled release and absorption of active ingredients. In the context of psoriasis treatment, Occluvan prolongs the contact time of therapeutic agents with affected areas, maximizing their impact on psoriatic plaques. This enhances therapeutic effects while reducing potential side effects, offering patients relief and a path towards healthier skin.
You can read more about Emolivan, Occluvan, and all the products in the Fagron Advanced Derma line here.
The treatment landscape for psoriasis has evolved with the introduction of advanced compounding solutions, such as those offered by Fagron. These innovations provide healthcare providers with the tools to create personalized formulations, ultimately improving treatment efficacy and patient satisfaction. As research continues to unveil promising avenues for psoriasis management, the future holds the potential for even more effective and tailored approaches to this chronic condition.
This article was written by: Sarah Taylor
Sarah studied chemistry at St. Olaf College, later pursuing pharmacy at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. She worked in a compounding pharmacy for 5 years and now serves as the director of Fagron Academy US, specializing in formulation development and research publication.