Case Studies
of people facing real health problems and how Fagron through innovative solutions helps.

Eva is spitting up and crying after feeding.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease, abbreviated as GERD, is a condition in which acidic stomach contents flow back into your esophagus. This typically causes symptoms of heartburn and acid regurgitation. The name is derived from Latin: “gaster” means stomach, “esophagus” gullet, and reflux stands for flowing back.
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Robert is suffering from chronic neuropathic pain.
Neuropathic pain (also called nerve pain or neuralgia) specifically refers to pain due to damage in the nervous system, which causes pain impulses to arise that have no function. It can result from damage to a single nerve, a bundle of nerves, the spinal cord, or the brain. Neuropathic pain often occurs on only one side of the body, either the left or the right. It is almost always a chronic condition; the pain can last from weeks to months or years and is sometimes even permanent.
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Jane is experiencing hormonal fluctuations
Hormonal imbalance occurs when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream. Because of their essential role in the body, even small hormonal imbalances can cause symptoms and complaints throughout the body. Hormones are chemicals produced by glands in the endocrine system. Hormones are released into the blood and flow through the body. They are like the messengers delivered to the blood. They give messages or signals to the tissues and organs telling them what to do and when to do it. Hormones regulate many body processes, such as metabolism and appetite, heart rate, sleep cycle, mood and stress level, body temperature, etc. Therefore, a hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on a wide range of body functions. Resolving or treating a hormonal imbalance focuses on the underlying cause. Sometimes self-care is sufficient.
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Sonia could not swallow her medicine
Thrush involves white spots in a baby's mouth. This is because there is yeast in the lining of the mouth. Thrush occurs in about 4% of infants, usually in babies younger than 6 weeks.
Thrush is caused by yeast (a type of fungus). The yeast is called Candida albicans. Many adults carry the yeast without any symptoms. Yeast can get to a baby in several ways. It can occur during birth if the mother has candida in her vagina (this does not have to cause symptoms in the mother).

Sophie is suffering from atopic dermatitis.
Atopic dermatitis is a common, non-contagious, chronic inflammatory disease of the skin. The word "atopy" means "tendency to react allergically". The exact cause of atopic dermatitis is unknown. Several factors play a role, such as a genetic predisposition, and the influence of allergic and non-allergic factors from the environment. In people with atopic eczema, the composition of the top layer of the skin may be different, reducing protection against dehydration and against the penetration of various substances or bacteria. Due to this impaired barrier function, the skin does not retain enough moisture, resulting in dry skin. Dry skin is characteristic of atopic eczema and is considered a major causative factor.
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Steve has dry skin that feels painful and unpleasant.
Dry skin is by definition dehydrated. Dehydrated skin can have roughly three causes. The evaporation from the skin can be too great, e.g. due to an air humidity level lower than sixty percent or a damaged barrier function of the skin so the moisture does not stay in the skin properly. Also, the skin may contain too few substances that can retain water. Or the transport of water from the deeper skin layers to the superficial skin is too slow.
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Sabine has dehydrated skin and struggles with hyperpigmentation.
Hyperpigmentation occurs when melanin is overproduced in certain areas of the skin. Hyperpigmentation results in flat, dark spots on the skin that are light brown to black in color and can vary in size and shape. Pigment spots such as age spots are caused by sun exposure. For this reason, they occur mainly on parts of the body that are frequently exposed, such as the face, hands, and arms. They are usually small, dark spots on the skin.
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Eric has type III acne in the facial area.
Acne vulgaris or acne is the medical term for (childhood) pimples. There is no other skin condition that is more well-known than acne. Acne is caused by an inflammation of the sebaceous gland follicle. In most cases, acne begins at puberty, when the skin undergoes a variety of changes under the influence of hormones. The sebaceous glands on the face, back, and chest become larger and produce more skin oil or sebum, which is also thicker in composition.
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John is experiencing problems applying product for alopecia treatment.
Alopecia areata means patchy baldness. It is a disease of the hair roots. The places where the hair roots are affected are round or oval. In these places (almost) all hairs fall out, while the surrounding skin shows normal hair growth. The result is one or more bald areas. The exact cause of alopecia areata is unknown. The cause of alopecia areata is thought to be a disorder in the body's defense mechanism. The defense is, as it were, derailed, and is not directed against infections from outside but against its own body. In this case against the hair roots. It is thought that alopecia areata is of immunological origin. This is reinforced by the fact that people with this disease are proportionally more likely to suffer from other diseases associated with disorders of the immune system.
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Josh is recovering from treatment for laryngeal cancer.
Laryngeal carcinoma is a relatively rare type of cancer that originates in the larynx mucosa. Most cancers of the larynx arise in the surface layer, the mucous membrane. They are called squamous cell carcinoma. Sometimes they involve another type of malignant tumor; they are not discussed further on this web page. Laryngeal cancer can cause a painful ulcer in the throat, pain, especially when swallowing, that sometimes radiates to the ears, hoarseness, tightness of the chest, or heavy, audible breathing that gets progressively worse, difficulty swallowing with weight loss, or swelling that occurs in the neck or pharynx.
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